TNK fragrances Cigar Attar
TNK fragrances Cigar Attar is a fragrant oil or perfume inspired by the aroma of cigars/Tabacoo. Cigar Attar is designed to capture the rich, smoky, and manly note associated with cigars.
The initial impression might include spicy and woody notes, reminiscent of the tobacco leaves in a cigar. It could have hints of pepper, cedarwood, and possibly a touch of citrus for brightness.
As the fragrance develops, you may detect deeper, more complex notes. This could include elements like leather, patchouli, and possibly a touch of sweetness or resinous qualities.
The base notes provide the foundation and longevity of the fragrance. In Cigar Attar, you might find rich, warm, and smoky elements such as vetiver, musk, and perhaps a touch of vanilla or amber.
Occasions and Season:
Given its rich and warm character, Cigar Attar might be best suited for cooler seasons. This fragrance can be worn in all occasions where u have to make your pressure count.
Our TNK fragrance CIGAR is a must try
Explore the different types of exotic attars available today only at TNK Fragrance!
- Aroma: Fruity smell of pear, pineapple and plum
- Color:Â Brown
- 100 % free from Alcohol or any chemical spirit.
- Long Lasting Unisex Attar
- Roll on
- Organic and Pure
- Paraben Free
- Alcohol Free
- No chemical spirit
- Paraben Free
- Long Lasting Unisex Attar
- Roll on
- Gifting packs (available on different sizes and packing)